Well, I got this problem :

Sometimes screen get blinked when I play Warcraft, and this is really Annoying.

And, the most clumsy thing is that this happened after I install the latest driver for my VGA

Mobile Intel(R) 945 Express Chipset Family

I THINK that I can fix this by simply removing the driver I’ve just installed. But, it doesn’t work and even make my Warcraft III not even run at all! It Says

“unable to initialize DirectX. Please ensure you have DirectX 8.1 or newer”

And when I dxdiag (start > run > dxdiag) it shows the latest DirectX (DirectX 11). Okay, may be it’s need to be updated. So I check to the official DirectX site.

The site told me to download the DirectX checker, so I download and run it. But then, the program tell me that my system (windows 7) already has the latest DirectX.

Okay. I am not giving up. I am googling again, and at last i found the simplest way to get this things out. Here it ‘s :

Create a shortcut of your War3.exe, and add “-opengl” on the target shortcut, and run your shortcut.

Here is more detailed explanation :

  • Right click on war3.exe / w3l.exe / frozen throne.exe / anything you used to launch the game
  • Choose “Create Shortcut”
  • Right click the shortcut you have created from step 2
  • Choose “Properties”
  • Add “-opengl” without “” (quotation) in the Target textbox (in Shortcut tab). It should be like this :

-opengl run dota with no blink screen

  • Choose Ok
  • Run your shorcut
  • Tada… It’s Fixed!! πŸ™‚

Please Let me know that you have succeed using this simple trick. Any questions is Welcome. πŸ™‚